Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What I am Thankful for

I am so blessed to have 3 wonderful, healthy and beautiful babies. Everyday that goes by I count my blessings. As hard as it is everyday it only takes 1 laugh, 1 crinkled little nose or simply a smile to make it all worth it...Just even the thought of them sleeping so peacefully in there bed makes my heart smile.
I am thankful for my Husband. He is an amazing father and is truely dedicated to making this family happy and healthy. He may not always be romantic like I would want. But he still makes me smile and laugh and thats what matters.

I could go on and on about each thing I am greatful for, but I won't So here is my list.

*My Family

*my Friends ( Especially my Kristin)

*My Health

*all the comforts of Home


I know that there are many more things to be thankful for, and I count my blessings everyday.

Also My New Years Resolution is to spend a little more time on me.. For the past almost 2 years I have focused on having my babies and taking none stop care of them, and that will never stop but I have also learned that I deserve to have a little all about me time. I also am going to spend some time on my life list.
I am going to think long and hard on the top 10 things that I would like to Accomplish in my lifetime that will better myself.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Please Leave A comment

So I get several hits a day from all over. I would like to know who is reading. So please leave a comment on this thread with just a name and where you are from. I have noticed as well that I receive a lot of hits from Los Angeles, CA. So again please leave a comment and/or maybe a suggestion on what I should change or write about. Thanks

Oh ya please sign my guest book....

Monday, December 15, 2008

March of Dimes - Sudoku

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Appt Update

Argghhh Now we have 3 babies with strep throat. Although I think we caught Gracie and Blaines on time, before it got really bad. So now we just have to hope Aaron and I do not catch it. Aaron has stayed home from work today so that he can help me.
Gracie and Blaine woke up with High Temps but after a dose of Motrin and Antibiotics they seem to be doing a hole lot better.
So I am going to take advantage of him being home and finish our Christmas shopping today.
We also are in the middle of signing papers for a house to be built and trying to get all the details worked out for that. What a very hectic week we are going to have..

Thursday, December 11, 2008

AHHH Tis the Season to get sick

I am sitting here with Collin in anticipation for the other 2 to wake up to head to the Doctor. Last week I had to take Collin in do to a 102.5 Temp. They did a strep test and it came back positive. So we tried our best to keep everything clean and separated from the other 2. We figured it would be miracle if the other 2 came out of this without getting sick. Well 6 days went by and we thought we were ok. Today Gracie and Blaine are both running fevers. So on the safe side we are headed to the doc.
This could possibly be just teething and lets hope so..Keep us in your good thoughts..

Friday, December 5, 2008

Just some Holiday Pictures

Here are a few holiday pics.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanks Giving & Snow

Well its been a while. I have lots updates. Thanks giving was wonderful. Its been so long since I have spent thanksgiving with my Mom. She always goes all out and makes everything so great. I was also excited because the kids actually got to grub on all the great food for the first time. They loved it all and we even gave them a little slice of pumpkin pie. The boys loved it and Gracie was OK with it.
We just spent the day relaxing and while the kids took a nap we play the Wii. We just put the kids down for bed there and picked them up the next day. I can't understand why I can have an empty house, and I still can't sleep in. Aaron and I got up and went shopping. It was nice to get out of the house with him. We got a lot of the Christmas shopping done together. Here are a few pictures from thanks giving day.

We also go a good snow here and bundled the kids up and took them out in it for the first time. Collin absolutely loved it. Gracie and Blaine were not sure what to think of it they just sat there looking around while Colling was playing.

Teething is getting worse. They are so grumpy lately. I was actually scared for myself after Aaron went back to work. They are running fevers and just plain grumpy. I find it so sad they have to go through this. I can only imagine what it feels like.
I can't wait until teething is over.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Oh the wonderful world of teething..

Why can't they just get them all at once? That is a question i ask myself daily. They all did great getting there front teeth, but now we have moved on to the molars. "Yikes" I just have to say this sucks. I know we well get through this but teething is messing there whole systems up. All 3 had horrible but rash last week and I swear I changed 7-10 poopie diapers per baby per day. I am sooooooo sick of poop.
Gracie finally has caught up with her brothers and has her 8 front teeth. Collin is the first to have a molar and so far Blaine hasn't showed any new teeth but you never know what tomorrow will bring.

I am looking forward to the Holidays. It has been a few years since I have been able to bake and shop with my mom. Plus the kids actually get turkey and all that goes with it.

Christmas is my favorite. I just wish my husband would be more into it. Its also going to be hard to decorate a lot. The kids have managed to get into everything they are not supposed to so I can only imagine what they would do with some garlin.

I am thinking about getting the kids the Thomas the Train ride on. It has tracks that is goes around. I would love to see if anyone else has gotten one of these and what they thought of it.

Well short and sweet here are a few new pics

This one of Collin is soo sad this is what teething is doing to him.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Preemie Petition


Please take a minute and sign this Petition.


Thursday, October 30, 2008

just some updates

Ok So I haven't just wrote anything in a while. So here goes. The kids are definitely becoming more work. They are all walking and getting into every thing.
How is it that you can sweep, vacuum, clean clean and more clean and they still manage to find the one little thing on the ground pick it up and put it in there mouth. And now when I go to take it out they bite down. OWWWWWW!

I am looking forward to taken the kids out for Halloween. We are taking them to an assisted living home in the morning and then to the mall in the evening. It should be lots of fun. They are all going to be little tigers. and as far as i am concerned they are the cutest tigers EVER.

Gracie- She is such a little fire cracker. She talks all the time in her own little language and is very giving. She will go dig every toy out of the toy box and bring it to you. It used to be she would act like she was giving it to you and then pull it back and walk away. Her hair is growing out of control, but I am not cutting it until she is 5. She is such a doll.

Blaine- He is my lover. He gives hugs every chance he get. He actually hugged Gracie for the first time yesterday. It made me cry it was the sweetest moment. He is the cutest to watch when it comes to him walking. He walks every where but still concentrates very hard at it. He always has the biggest smile.

Collin- He has become our little handful. He is very demanding. If he doesn't get his way he lets you know. He is so loving when it comes to his dad and I but he does not like is brother and sister. If they even touch him he screams. He is still our giggler. His knew nickname is pig pin. He eats with his fist and not his fingers. SO he wears more then he eats and it smears all over his face.

I fall in love with them more and more each day, if thats even possible. As much work as they are it is all worth every smile and giggle and hug.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Just a couple sweet Poems

I got these Poems out of our local triplet clubs cook book. They are to cute. Had to share

So many good things come in threes,
Like Musketeers and ABC's.
But triplets are the best of all
From little ones to those quite tall.
Its extra laughter, triple grins.
With Joys and mischief's multiplies
And two defenders by each side.
So much alike forever linked,
And yet they're also quite distinct.
They share a birthday and a name,
But moods and tempers aren't the same.
From days of youth till life is done,
Its one for all and all for one.
We're all quite novel and precise,
But special folks-God made them thrice!

Larry Howland

There're three to wash, there're three to dry.
There're three to argue, There're three to cry
Two are in the mud having a ball,
The other hold a crayon, just look at the wall!
Some days seem endless, my patience leaves me.
Why was I chosen to be a mother of three?
The answer comes clear at the end of each day.
Ask I tuck them in bed and to myself I say
There're three to kiss, there're three to hug.
And best of all there're three to love!

Three sets of clothes, three sets of shoes
Three tummies to feed, no time to snooze.
Sometimes they scream, Sometimes they shout,
By the end of the day, You're all worn out.
Each precious smile, each sweet little hug,
But best of all, There's three to love!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


I just developed a new website. www.triplethekisses.com . It is still a work in progress but it does have a great forum board set up. when you get to the main page click on homepage and it will take you to the forum. I know a lot of you already belong to a bunch of other sites. but I am trying to make this forum for everyone including grand parents and nannies. There is a for sale section that you do not have to pay for to post in.
I am working on adding pages for different resources to help HOM families.
In order to see the forum you have to be a member to do so. I don't want people to be able to steel photos or any kind of information posted. I also have to aprove every member.
As this board grows, Which I hope it does. I will be adding alot more.
You can post pictures and videos. Please sign up Introduce your self and I want this board to be fun. Feel free to tell great stories, brag or ask any questions.


Thanks LeAnn

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Our Story

In My local Moms group they feature a families story once a month in the news letter. Ours will be coming in Novemeber and I thought I would share it with everyone.
Dont forget to sign my guest book on the left side of my page.

The Little Story

It all started when I was only 14 years old and living in the small town of Grand Junction, Colorado. Aaron and I met doing the things all young people do. We dated for a very brief couple of weeks; if that's even considered dating at age 14. After our short relationship, Aaron returned to California where his family was. We didn’t speak again until eight or nine years later.

Aaron came back to Grand Junction in 2005 to visit with his family and old friends. We got together and we both knew it was love at first sight. We spent an amazing week together and we decided we couldn't live without each other. So no more then a month later, I packed up my little house and moved to Las Vegas.

It took only a few months after I moved to Las Vegas, for Aaron and I to get engaged. On August 12th, 2006 we were married in the traditional Vegas fashion at the Special Memory Chapel. We were having such a great time doing all the fun things that Vegas has to offer young couples, Aaron was the local president of Nevada’s largest Mustang car club; so we were busy with car shows, track dates, and the cars Aaron would work on in the garage.

Shortly after Aaron and I were married, I started having irregular periods and a lot of pain so I decided to make a doctors appointment. During my appointment the topic of having children was brought up. I wasn't sure if we were even ready for children at this point and it was not a topic that Aaron and I had discussed. We were having too much fun with each other and with everything we had going on. I also mentioned to the doctor that I did not think I could conceive on my own, because Aaron and I have been doing nothing to prevent getting pregnant for over a year at this point. She suggested that I go see a fertility specialist, because they could better diagnose the problems I was having. Better to take care of it earlier, rather then later right?

On my first appointment with the specialist she decided to schedule a procedure called a Laparoscopy. During this procedure, the doctors discovered I had severe endometriosis. They removed scar tissue and cleaned out everything they could . At my surgery follow up appointment I was told that the doctors also discovered that my tubes were also 95% closed and would not allow any of my eggs to reach my uterus to be fertilized. I went through a procedure to try to open my tubes which was not successful. At this point, the doctors told me that if we wanted to have children we should consider having them soon. Due to the endometriosis, all the scar tissue they had removed would eventually come back and I would have to go through the laparoscopy again. I was devastated by the news. No one ever wants to hear that they cannot conceive a child on there own.

I went home and discussed our options with Aaron. We discussed the options of IVF or adoption. We decided to speak with the doctor’s billing department to see if IVF was even an option for us, due to how expensive the procedure is. The office gave us many different options, but we just couldn't spend that kind of money on IVF. Adoption was also a option, but wasn't something we were going to rush in to. So as much as it hurt us both to think that we would never have our own children, we let the topic go.

About a month went by and the subject was weighing heavy on my mind, so I decided to look into what our health insurance had to offer. I thought that the chances of my health insurance covering infertility is pretty rare, but I decided to call anyway and check into it. I called our insurance company and to my surprise they covered one IVF treatment per member per lifetime. I was so excited I called Aaron at work and told him the good news! He told me to call Dr. McConnell and get things started. After my first appointment a week went by and this huge box showed up on our front porch. When I opened it, I was completely shocked at the amount of needles and medications packed into this box that I became overwhelmed with it all and started crying.

January 8th, 2007. That's when it all started, all the shots, pills and doctors appointments. It felt as if it was never ending. We were both very nervous on the day of the retrieval, but also very excited at the same time. They retrieved 33 eggs and after the incubation period 22 of them were excellent and was great news to hear. Aaron and I went back and forth for a few days about how many eggs we were going to have placed back in. We hadn't come to decision until we were at the doctors office. I wanted to only place two eggs, but Aaron wanted to place three back in. We knew this was our one and only chance and we really wanted two children. If we could get twins that would be great. Dr. McConnell and Aaron both managed to talk me into placing three eggs back in, based on the better odds of having a successful outcome. The doctor also said the odds of all three eggs taking was rare, but was possible. The days went by and I was feeling like it just didn't work. The doctors office advised me not to take a home pregnancy test, but I have never been good at listening. Aaron went out to get a home test and I took it about 4 days before my appointment. It only took a few seconds before the test turned positive. I immediately started crying.

So now the question was how many babies were we having. I went in for the blood test and the doctor called me that evening. She said ,“ Well you’re definitely pregnant and we are hoping only one or two took”. She stated that a women pregnant with one child at this stage had hormone levels of around fifty, and that mine were in the 300's. At that point Aaron and I were both a little nervous. Roughly two weeks later we went in for the first ultrasound. I just remember lying there and the nurse counting “one, two, ah yep there's three little heart beats. I can't even remember how I felt at that moment. I just remember looking at Aaron and him saying,” I'm sorry honey, its my fault I said to put three back in”. We both left the doctors office in utter disbelief. At one point we never thought we were going to have children of our own and now we have three on the way! I don't think it really hit me until the next day when Aaron found me on the shower floor crying. I was so scared, nervous, shocked etc.......

My pregnancy was pretty uneventful in the beginning. I never got morning sickness and I was feeling great. Around seventeen weeks, Aaron and I traveled 550 miles to Grand Junction from Las Vegas for my baby shower. By the time we got home I was exhausted, I no longer had ankles and was wondering where my toes went. The following week I was told I was starting to dilate and I had to have a cerclage. Around 22 weeks, I got carpal tunnel in both hands and had to sleep with braces at night. As if I wasn't uncomfortable enough at 26 weeks I started to develop PUPPP ( Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy). It is a rash that started on my belly and worked its way to my arms and legs. PUPPP brings uncontrollable itching. I can't tell you how many anti-itch creams I tried. The dermatologist put me on oral steroids and steroids creams, but nothing relieved it. By the time I was 33 weeks along I hadn't gotten any sleep in three weeks. I just couldn't take it any more. The only cure for PUPPP is delivery. At that point it wasn't healthy for me or the babies. I was so emotionally and physically drained from getting absolutely no sleep, that I called my doctor and pretty much begged him to deliver me. I know that it sounds funny for me to want to deliver, but at this point I could barely walk due to the PUPPP. He agreed with me and we planned the delivery for the following week. He did an amniocentesis on that Monday, he also had me do two rounds of steroids; the first one that night and the second round Tuesday.

Thursday September 13th at 34 weeks and one day, Gracie Kaye entered the world at 6:22am weighing 3 lbs 4oz and 15 inches long. At 6:23 am Blaine William entered weighing 3 lbs 9 oz 16 inches, and finally at 6:24 am Collin Joseph entered at 4 lbs 9 oz 17 inches. I did not get to see my precious babies for fourteen hours and when I finally saw them it was the most amazing moment in my life.

Gracie had no major complications. She was at 100% oxygen saturation. She was just little and needed to grow stronger. Gracie spent 3 weeks in the NICU eating and growing. Blaine also had no major complications and was at 100% oxygen saturation. He also came home after 3 weeks in the NICU. Collin was on a little oxygen for the first five hours. He was having lots of apneas and bradys. The hospital would not allow him to come home until he went 7 days with out having an episode. Collin got to come home after spending 6 weeks in the NICU. It was the longest 6 weeks of our lives.

We were truly blessed to have three preemies with only minor issues. Blaine had problems at first with opening his 2 middle fingers. He went to PT a few times and his fingers straightened out. Blaine also had torticolosis, which caused him to only lay his head on one side. He also started to get a flat spot on the right side of his head. We helped stretch his neck muscles by turning his headed the opposite way. At one point we thought we were going to have to get Blaine a helmet, but thankfully when we took him to the specialist his head had already started to reshaping back to normal. Now you can't even tell. When Collin was born they detected a slight heart murmur. When he was 5 months we took him to the cardiologist for a follow up, and the murmur had went away. Gracie has been absolutely healthy and has only had routine check ups.

When the babies were just shy of 4 months old, Aaron and I decided to pack everything up and make the move from Las Vegas to Denver. We wanted our kids to grow up in a better environment than Las Vegas has to offer. In Denver, we both have family near by and we knew we definitely could use their help with three babies. My mom and I made the trip with the kids right after Christmas and Aaron stayed behind to get the house packed up and followed two weeks after. Aaron and I couldn't be happier that we made the move. It has been a eventful, stressful, emotionally and physically draining year for both of us, but Aaron and I couldn't be happier with our three little angels. We both look forward to their growth as little people, and all their little firsts that are yet to come.

The Little Family, Aaron, LeAnn, Gracie, Blaine, Collin

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Election

THIS IS GREAT GREAT WEBSITE: http://www.fightthesmears.com/

So this year I have been paying very close to the election. This is a very important year. This not only depicts my future but also the future for my children. I have not missed a debate and read everything I can, to keep me up to date. I am a person who doesn't believe in pushing politics or religion on people. But I do ask if you are going to vote Please pay attention to the election. Don't vote if you haven't. There are so many people who vote do to ignorance. There are so many true and false things flying out of control. So if you don't know something for sure research it, do not believe it unless you know for 100% sure that it is indeed true.

I am getting myself so worked up over this whole thing. I am personally for Obama. I have nothing personal against McCain I just weigh out what i want more in my president. I am not going to stope as low as a lot of people and talk shit about McCain just because I am not voting for him. I think people are voting for the wrong reasons. Look at what your candidate is offering, Don't look at his skin color or his religion or where he is from. Ask your self what you personally want.
And if you are going to throw things out there, Then at least be able to back them up.

Here are some facts:

John McCain and the troops:

US troops overseas contributed six times as much to Barack Obama as they did
to John McCain;

McCain has voted against increasing veterans benefits ten times since 2003,

and despite his multimillion dollar fortune, accepts a yearly $58,000 veterans
disability check while opposing an Obama supported bill to give all veterans
more benefits;

John McCain has also said the VA should stop treating routine medical
problems, http://vawatchdog.org/08/nf08/nfJUL08/nf072808-3.htm

has suggested bringing back the draft,

and receives a score of 20 out of 100 from the Disabled Veterans of America,
while Obama gets an 80 out of 100.

Our troops support Barack Obama's Iraq policy over John McCain's by thirty
percentage points, http://military.einnews.com/poll.php?id=2751

and 70.6% of US military donations last spring went to candidates in favor of
withdrawing from Iraq.

Blue Star Families for Obama: http://www.bsf4o.com/
Vote Vets:http://www.votevets.org/
Vote Vets video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcDMD0B7r88
Veterans for Obama: http://vetsforobama.org/
Veterans for Obama video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mS1_uw_N2Wg


For further fact checking information about Sen Barack Obama, please check
out: http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/obama.asp

Barack Obama will not say the Pledge Of Allegiance: FALSE

Barack Obama National Anthem stance:


Thursday, October 2, 2008


Well we are going into the walking stage yayyy! Gracie is standing up on her own now and walking when she wants to. Collin is walking when he wants to as well. I think they just figure its faster if they crawl. Blaine he has happy feet. I think he is just going to run. He gets to excited and goes to fast. He will figure it out shortley I am sure. Here are a wouple videos.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

1st birthday

The babies birthday was so much fun. They had a great time. And they did really well towards the end of the night with how sleepy they were.

We let thme play with the paper from there presents. Cake time was great. They started out really slow and once they realized how good it taste they were all over it. Collin could not grab handfuls fast enough. Blaines breath got taken away by how seet it was. We actually had to pull him out of his seat to get him breathing again. But we gave him some water and he was fine. Graice just sat there and focuses very deaply on eating. TOOOOO cute. Thanks to everyone for all the great gifts.

Monday, September 8, 2008

1 year Birthday Montage

Happy Birthday my little loves.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Estes Park

Labor day Weekend we went up to a beautiful place called Estes park. It is my absolute favorite place in Colorado. Anyway we walk the streets and enjoyed all the little shops there. I have been wanting to get the kids old time photo done and we did. MY mom though it was going to be a pain, but it wasn't. It turn out great.

I was a great day and it was nice to get out of the house with the kids.

We also took the kids to Portrait Innovations for there 1 year pictures. Let me say they did an amazing Job. They took a ton of different shots and we got to sit down and pick all the ones we wanted. They are a little pricey but well worth it. So here are just a handful of pics.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Blaine and his Spegatti O's

Just had to share this picture. Its to cute not to.

I need to Post more

So I have been working a lot on making my blog look good, But I haven't posted in a while. So I am going to make an effort to post more.

My husband and I just celebrated our 2 year anniversery. We went to a resteraunt called the Melting Pot. It was sooooooo great. And the desert was to die for. This place is a big Fondue place. So if there is one in your town. Definatly go try it. It is a little pricey but well worth it I think. After 2 years of marriage and 3 years together I am still madley in love. Even though he is a pain in the ass sometimes. Raising Triplets is not easy. There is a lot of stress on a relationship. I have to say we have held strong. Don't get me wrong we have our moments, but for all the stress our life contains we are handling it well. I LOVE YOU AARON!!!!

I know I have said this before, But I am still so amazed that the babies will be 1 in less then a month. There birthday theme is going to be Sesame Street. When I was 1 my birthday cake was Cookie monster and my mom found the same cake ten she made it with on ebay. So I figured I would make it a tradition. We have family coming from out of town and I can't wait to see them all.

On another note We found out not that long ago that my Sister inlaw is having a little Girl around October 20th. Her name will be Izebella, Bella for short. Not sure if I spelled that right. I am so excited for her.

Well enjoy I will post again soon.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Life is getting Tougher

So as my children get older I work harder. I thought it was tough when I was waking up 3 times a night to feed 3 infants. But now I have to laugh at that. Now that they are all mobile I am constantly running. I love the fact that they are so curious and and wanting to look at and touch everything. Every day gets a little bit harder to keep them all entertained. I am definitely going to make and effort to get them out of the house at least once a week. They really enjoy going out and seeing all kinds of new things.

So they will be 1 in a month so we are planning the big party. It is so hard to find the time to even fill out the invitations. But i am so excited we have family coming in from out of town that haven't seen the kids since they were 6 weeks old. They are going to be amazed by how big they are.

Also in a week my sister in law will be here and she is expecting her first child. A little Girl. I can't wait to love on her and my little niece in her belly. So there is a lot going on in the next few months.

Now for the update on the kids:

Gracie- She cracks me up. She is such a little firecracker. What she wants she GETS. She will knock her brothers down and steel whatever they have. We bet she is walking by her birthday if not then not long after.

Blaine- He is my sensitive boy. He cries a lot but that's just cause he wants some mommy lovin. He will be right behind Gracie as far as walking goes. And every time i am away from him for more then 5 minutes i miss his little smile.

Collin- Ahh my little giggly boy. He is his daddy head to toe. Still very independent and likes to play alone. His middle toe is shorter then the others and I think its adorable. Not sure if he is close to walking but he always amazes us by just doing things without any signs.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


The babies are amazing me everyday with all that they learn new. We have started to read different books to them each day and they love it. They watch you so intently. I also put on a baby Einsteins movie for them while they eat there morning Cheerios. They Crack me up, watching them be so very involved in a little movie. Its amazing to me that they are 10+ months because they seem so much older with there BIG personalities.

Gracie- She is a firecracker! She definitely thinks she is the dominate one. If her brothers have a toy and she wants is, She will get it. She is very demanding, but yet so independent. Her hair is growing so fast. Some days she wakes up with the greatest bedhead.

Blaine- He is such a lover. He will definitely be our cuddler. He is starting to dance to music. Which by the way makes my heart smile. His smile can melt a complete strangers heart. He is getting his 2 top teeth in and surprisingly taking it very well.

Collin- He is our goofball. He has this crazy laugh going that sounds like woody the woodpecker. He claps at everything and giggles to the touch. He loves his baths and going swimming. He is like his father when it comes to sleeping. I have to wake him up every morning or who knows how long he will sleep.

On another note! I had to make a hard decision to get rid of one of our dogs. My heart still hurts over this. He was starting to get nippy at the kids and I couldn't take the chance at him biting one of them. It still doesn't make it easy. He was my dog for 5 years and I feel like I gave up one of my kids. Its been a week now and its still not getting easier. I wish I could just get past it! :(

Aaron and I are getting ready to celebrate our 2nd Anniversary. Very excited and I am still madly in love with him. He is such a wonderful father and despite that he drives me crazy at times he has been a great husband. 1 month and 1 day after our anniversary it will be the babies 1st Birthday. WOW I can't believe it 1 already. Time flies by too fast.

"Learn to be patient and cherish every minute"

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Just an update

Life is getting so busy. The babies are growing so fast. They are all sitting up and Gracie and Blaine are Crawling. They had there 9 month check up a little over a week ago. They are all doing great and they are all right on track. We started giving them finger foods. It is so entertaining to watch them. Gracie actually picks it up and eats it. Blaine will pick it up and chew on it and then spit it out. Collin will put one piece in his mouth and gag. He will not shut his mouth until what ever it is dissolves or he spits it out. They are all so different.

I have nights where U just wish I could go crawl in there cribs with them and snuggle and sleep with them. My husband calls me crazy. Its funny because some nights I cannot wait for them to go to bed just to so we can relax. But by the time we go to bed I miss them like crazy.

On another note today my husband and I went to the hospital do to something that happened to my knee about 3 weeks ago. I woke up one day and my knee was hurting. A few days after that it was swelling. It has only gotten worse since so today I decided to get it taken care of. Well I was told that my Meniscus is inflamed. That is the joint under my knee cap. It takes up to 6 weeks to heel if it is taken care of properly. I have to wear a knee immobilizer. Yeah right I hope that i am able to function with this thing on my leg. all I can do is try to take it easy. That taken it easy is not in my vocabulary.

Well until next time

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Comments when we go out in public

So I thought I would write about all the rude and great things we here when we go out in public. We either feel like a freak show or like celebrities. So here are some of the rude things we get, and the responses we normally give.

*Are they Natural:

Well obviously they are not plastic.

*Did you take fertility pills:

We normally just tell people there spontaneous, But inside i am thinking Why does it matter how they were conceived.

*Are they Twins:

Nope there are 3 of them which would make them Triplets

*Are they all Boys:

I just point to the highly PINK car seat Gracie is sitting In.

I know this doesn't sound like a rude Comment but I get so SICK of hearing You have your hands full. We here it about 100 times when we are out and about. It just gets extremely old. Like we don't already know that we have our hands full.
I normally just say Our hands are full of blessings.

* Are they born on the same day:
or are they the same age:

Triplets normally are.

* Glad its you and not me:

Me To obviously you couldn't handle it.

*I feel sorry for you:

Well don't. I feel sorry that your weren't blessed with such a wonderful thing.

I truly cannot believe the nerve of some people. I am sure there are some I am leaving out but these are the ones that get to us the most.
Now for the positive.

* You are so blessed

* They are all adorable, Cute ETC....

Yep that's about it for the Positive. Its amazing to me that the first thing that comes to peoples mind is always something rude. I guess I just have to tell myself that they don't know any better and that it is always shocking to see triplets.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Our Schedule

So I know I haven't blogged in a while, I have been sitting here thinking about what to write. So i decided many of you that don't have triplets might be curious to see what our daily schedule might be like. So here we go.

7:00 am we all wake up. I bring one by one down the stairs normally Blaine first then Collin and then Gracie. I change diapers and place them in a swing or a bouncy.
We play for about and hour then they get there bottles.

Gracie- 6 oz
Blaine- 8 oz
Collin- 7 oz

After they are done eating I place them in the numerous toys we have for them.

After about an hour of playing & yelling. Its time for a nap. They sleep for about 2 hours and that's when I try to get some stuff done around the house. 11:00am I wake them if they are not already awake talking in there cribs. Again bring one by one down the stairs change diapers and time for there solid food. They normally get a fruit with some kind of cereal in it. Once again it is time to play.
12:00pm is bottle time. After bottles They again play for an hour or just chill in there chairs with some toy in hand.
Around 1:00 it is nap time again. This is when I take the time to relax and catch up on my shows that recorded the night before. I do also make there bottles for the next day.
Around 2:00-2:30 they wake up and again play. 4:00 is bottle time. Around the time they finish bottles Daddy walks in the door. He around 4:30-5 helps me take them upstairs for there last nap of the day which is about an hour long.
6:00 We go upstairs and bring them down for there solids. They normally get a Veggie and a fruit of some sort.
They play for a while around 7:00 we bath them if its bath night which is every other night. By the time we are done with baths its there 8:00 Bottle and off to bed we all go.
By bed time I am exhausted I pick up the toys and clutter from the day, And sit my butt on the couch. We are in bed by 10:00 and the next day its starts all over.

This is the amount of food we go threw a day with them.

Here is a ruff estimate on how many bottles I have made since they were born

This is a really rough estimate on how many diapers we have gone threw.
I averaged this about 17 diapers a day

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Growing so fast

So we made our first family trip this past weekend. I was so nervous about taking them to a strange place for the weekend, But everything went great. I threw a baby shower for my best friend in Grand Junction which is about a 4 hour drive. The babies were wonderful. They slept great at a strange house and even did well with all the people there on Saturday. My sister took Collin and Gracie over night on Saturday. It was so nice to have just one baby. Don't get me wrong I missed the other 2 like crazy. Aaron and I both went to bed with something tugging on our hearts. Needless to say we were so glad to go pick them back. All in all it was a great trip. We definitely will be making more trips this summer.

Gracie is Miss Independent she will be the first to do it all. The other day I found her on all fours and rocking back in forth. This means we will have a crawler soon. Although I can't wait for them to be mobile I am sure I will regret saying that some day. LOL She is cutting her bottom 2 teeth, they haven't made it through yet but there working on it. She figures she will out do the boys and get both at once. She finally is sleeping through the night now yayyyy me. Although we had to put her in a different room then the boys. We had to let her cry it out, she has learned to put her own binky back in so we leave 3 or 4 in her crib so she can find one easily.

Blaine is our eater. He loves his food and will eat anything. I think that he may pass up Collin here soon weight wise. He is taller then Collin now but not quit as chunky yet. He is our most active one when it comes to playing. He loves his walker and he takes it very serious. He chases anything that moves in the house and if he wants something he knows exactly how to get to it. He thinks everything is a Jumper when he is standing on you he will start bouncing like you are going to make him bounce. He has his first tooth and he wasn't grumpy when it came through so we will See how the next one goes.

Collin is my lazy little man. He will sit in his toys and look around but doesn't do much beyond that. Lately he has been running a fever hopefully do to teething. He also has one of his bottom teeth. I think he is getting the other one because he has been a grumpy boy lately which is so out of character for him. It so cute to see him smile with his little tooth showing. I am so in love with all of them.

I can't believe they are already 7 months old it felt like yesterday they were still in my tummy..

Friday, April 11, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008